Identifying disease related mutations with Condel 2.0
Three years ago, Abel developed and published in the American Journal of Human Genetics an approach to combine the results of several tools aimed at identifying disease-related [...]
Three years ago, Abel developed and published in the American Journal of Human Genetics an approach to combine the results of several tools aimed at identifying disease-related [...]
Recently we published the paper describing IntOGen-mutations (see this post for more information). Now we are happy to announce a new release of the IntOGen-mutations pipeline (version [...]
Some time ago Abel wrote about how to identify cancer drivers from tumor somatic mutations, and presented OncodriveFM. Nuria also posted a nice poster explaining it together [...]
We are proud to announce the brand new version of the IntOGen Somatic Mutations Analysis (IntOGen SM) pipeline. We call it version 2.0.0 as it has been completely [...]
The DATABASE Oxford Journal has published a new volume in September dedicated to Biomart related databases and tools. We have had a Biomart portal for IntOGen data since [...]
About three years ago I started developing Gitools as an internal tool for people in the lab. We needed it to explore the results generated in IntOGen. [...]
Gitools is a software for analysis and visualization of genomics data. Data and results are represented using interactive heatmaps. This last Friday we published the code of [...]