Gitools in GenomeSpace and a new user mail list
As some already may know, Gitools has been integrated with GenomeSpace. Together with the GenomeSpace team we have set up a tutorial that demonstrates the power behind the GenomeSpace approach. The tutorial may be found here and helps the user to extract data from ArrayExpress, normalize it on GenePattern and then load and browse it in Gitools. All these steps are being done without the need to manually download any tool nor data set. You can sign up for GenomeSpace and try it right away.
Also we want to announce that a new release of Gitools, version 1.8.4 is available. Some bugs related to GenomeSpace integration have been fixed, some memory managment improvements and the KEGG importer module has been rewriten to use their REST webservice instead of the deprecated SOAP webservice. You can browse all the solved issues here.
Since the Gitools users community is growing, we have set up a mailing list at Google Groups where you can sign up and ask any question. So we encourage to ask any question via the mailing list rather to mails to single members of our group. Also have in mind that BioStars is a good option to ask general questions about bioinformatics problems you may face.
Links and Related posts
Use case of Gitools in GenomeSpace
How to visualize multidimensional cancer genomics data?
Gitools 1.8 for improved data managament and transfer
Exploring multiple cancer genomics alterations with Gitools.