Intogen release 2024

We are very happy to announce that a dual new release of intOGen and boostDM is out.

We collected data from 33,218 tumors, resulting in 633 driver genes. We trained new boostDM models for 736 gene-tumor type combinations, comprising 115 genes across 89 tumor types.

The new intOGen updates are

  • Updated Hartwig Medical Foundation data
  • The use of MANE transcripts, used in clinical practice
  • Updated key third-party dependencies.

The new boostDM updates include:

  • Model implementation changes
  • Improved integration with intOGen
  • Updated data dependencies
  • Bug fixes

We want to thank the many contributions to intOGen from those who generate and share data, those who develop databases and methods and make them available, and of course patients who shared their sample and data for research.

More information at intOGen Release Notes and boostDM Release Notes.