CGI-CLINICS Kick Off Meeting

On November 21-23 we celebrated the Kick-Off Meeting of CGI-Clinics, a five-year project funded by the European Commission, which started on November 1st 2022. Sixty participants of the 17 member institutions of the consortium met in Empuries (Girona, Spain).
The team, formed by clinicians, biologists, bioinformaticians, but also lawyers, data managers, members of patient associations, and other experts, jointly set up the best structure for a project aimed at building a new Cancer Genome Interpreter (CGI), a bioinformatics tool strong enough to achieve the objective of providing equitable access to automated and systematized interpretation of cancer genomic data.
Nuria López-Bigas, the coordinator of the consortium, compared the project to a “Human Tower” as an example of a project where many actors are participating, each one with a specific role, but everyone with the same objective of building a tower, and everyone necessary to achieve the objective.
All the participants spent three days with excellent presentations and scientific talks, discussion about the objectives, methodologies and actions for the next five years, and several workshops and break out sessions to start the development of the new tool and exchange ideas over the different aspects of the project. Finally, they could enjoy a visit to the Greco-Roman Empúries Archaeological site, which also inspired some thoughts of the present and the future of the project.
In summary, the CGI-Clinics project starts with exceptional conditions to accomplish the objective of performing a community-based initiative to foster implementation of precision cancer medicine in the clinics for the benefit of cancer patients.
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