New IntOGen web to explore driver genes across cancer types

Coinciding with the publication of our latest paper, on Monday (9 March 2015) (See blog post) we have crafted a new IntOGen interface which presents the results of the analysis of somatic mutations across almost 7000 cancer samples from 28 different cancer types to identify driver genes.
Cancer driver results
The analysis identified 459 genes with a combination of signals of positive selection in the pattern of somatic mutations, indicating that they drive tumorigenesis in these samples upon somatic mutations. All results presented in the paper can be now explored at The cancer driver genes, their signals of positive selection and their mutational frequency can be viewed at three levels: 1) Global (all mutations & cancer types), 2) Cancer type and 3) Project. Similarly, details about a driver gene can be explored at the same three levels, since their mutational frequency and clusterization may depend on cancer type.
On each page for a gene, cancer type or a project you will find multiple reports, such as a cancers driver list, the mutational frequency of a gene or the distribution of mutations across the sequence of a cancer driver gene. Below, we present plots downloaded from the Breast Carcinoma view and the PIK3CA global view. The data on each report can be explored both through a plot and a table view, and the user can switch between both. The tables and plots are also downloadable as text files and .png files respectively.
You may search for a cancer type and gene of interest through the same search box. If you are looking for something specific, you may even specify keywords like ‘distribution plot’ or ‘driver table’. Take a look at the search examples on the initial search page.
The cancer driver genes list used in the analysis of the user’s own data, has also been updated according to the new results.
We hope this new crafted web is of use to the community. Let us know your opinion.