BG lab goes for a rural retreat
This last week we – the whole lab – spent a couple of days in a rural house near Ripoll, in the central area of Catalonia. We dedicated these two days to talk about the work we do and the projects we are developing in a more relaxed environment. We could experience again that the independence of our everyday working habits fosters our creativity. This made it possible that those were two very fruitful and interesting days.

This is a picture of all the members of the BG lab during the retreat. From left to right: Alba, Christian, Abel, Jordi, Armand, Nuria, Michi, Sophia, David and Khademul
If you have followed our blog, you may remember that it was in the retreat we had last year that we took the important decision and commitment to initiate this blog (see the first blog post). This year we decided to continue blogging as we all agreed that it has been an interesting activity. We find it is serving well the purpose of having a more flexible mean of communicating with the research community, in addition to publications, seminars and conferences. So, more posts about our work at BG lab are to come.
Thank you for reading our blog.
Here I leave you with some more pictures of our productive couple of days in the rural countryside.